Saturday, January 31, 2009
3 months old
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Trying to roll over?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Time for Some Discipline
So, I haven't really worried too much about being disciplined and keeping up with the housework and stuff since Audrey has been born. But I suppose the time has come, when I need to work a little more discipline and routine into my day. I worry about Audrey being in a routine, but I probably need to come up with a routine for myself each day.
I don't think I'm quite ready to go back to the chore chart I started to keep myself busy during the last months of pregnancy. But I do have a list of things that I want to do daily, so here it is, in order from the highest priority to the least. You, my faithful blog readers, can help keep me accountable!
1. Take care of Audrey. Obviously, this is the first priority and this takes up the most of my time!!
2. Do a daily chore. Each day I'm going to pick out one major chore that needs to be done. Today, it is working on the laundry. I think tomorrow is going to be cleaning the bathrooms, yuck!
3. Update my new photo blog: I'm attempting to learn more about photography, so I'm going to try to be faithful about taking and posting one photo a day on this blog. And if I get really ambitious, I'm going to take all of these photos at the end of the year and turn them into a scrapbook.
4. Read. If you go to my new photo blog, you will see that I have a reading goal of 40 books for this year. I need to read a lot more than I am currently reading to meet that goal
5. Exercise. This should probably be listed higher but it always ends up being last. I'd like to be more in shape and lose the 8 pounds or so I still have from the I'd like to do some kind of exercise each day. This will be easier when it is warm and Audrey and I can go for walks!
Well, that's my plan daily at least. Then I'll probably add in some weekly "to dos" as well. This week it is getting my lesson ready for my Galatians class at church tomorrow night. Next week it will be getting ready for my February stamping classes. As long as I make a list of things to do, I tend to be a lot more disciplined and a lot less lazy!
And now for the pictures. Daniel took these pictures of Audrey the other day, so I thought I would share them here.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A new discovery
Friday, January 23, 2009
12 weeks
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Baby Legs!
She's sneezing in this picture!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Daddy/Daughter Time
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Play time!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
A Better Night
With that said, last night was a MUCH better night. We fed her at 9, did a bath, read a book, rocked and put her down. It was about 10 when we put her in her crib. She didn't want to go to sleep right away. She probably woke up every 30 minutes until midnight. But from 12-4, she slept pretty well. Then Daniel fed her and she went right back to sleep and slept until about 7. Those are the kind of nights that I like! I woke up happier, and she was so happy when I got her up. I went into her room and she was just laying in the crib, talking to herself and looking at her mobile. And she greeted me with a big smile, which is the absolute best!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
New Camera
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sleeping Issues
Saturday, January 10, 2009
What a big girl!
And a funny face!
And I tried to get another video of her talking and playing with her toys, but every time I turned on the camera, all she wanted to do was stare at it. She does flash a few smiles for the camera in these videos though...enjoy!
Friday, January 9, 2009
10 Weeks
Poor Maggie...I think she may be starting to realize that Audrey is here to stay, which means Maggie will never be the center of attention again. Yesterday afternoon Maggie was being really clingy. She just wanted to be right on top of me and in my face. She didn't want to be on Daniel, just me. Later I was upstairs changing Audrey and Maggie crawled underneath the changing table. Looking at the table, I didn't think there was any way she could fit, it's maybe a 5-6 inch opening...but she did. And she stayed there for a while, almost like throwing a little temper tantrum and pouting because she didn't get her way. Well, we went back downstairs, and eventually Maggie came out of her hiding spot and was fine the rest of the day. Silly dog!
I had a video of Audrey playing yesterday, but I somehow deleted it by accident. I'll try to take another one today and post it soon.
Monday, January 5, 2009
It's been a few days
Last week, I packed away all of Audrey's newborn clothes. It was kind of sad, she is growing so fast. But it was kind of exciting too, because now we have a whole new wardrobe in the 0-3 month size range. She will probably outgrow these clothes quickly, so I have to take pictures every time she wears a new outfit!! Here are some pictures from our photo shoot last week.