Audrey is finally starting to figure out that her hands are connected to her body and that she can control them. She started by trying to fit her whole fist in her mouth. Now, she has started to reach up and hit her toys on the play gym.

This morning, I put Audrey in her crib so she could watch her mobile while I took a shower. When I came into her room, she was holding both of her arms straight up in the air. It was like she was trying to reach her mobile the same way she can reach her toys on the play gym. Then she started to get mad, so maybe she was frustrated by the fact that no matter how far she stretched her arms up, she wasn't going to be anywhere near touching that mobile.
1 comment:
I love being able to get on the site to see how much she has changed since we do not live close. She is a cutie! I don't get on very often so she changes a lot to me. Hang in there with the sleeping. You will take a few steps forward and then one back. Just keep being consistent & scheduled & it will all work out. She may be getting her 1st tooth soon. Mariah was 12 weeks & Mark was 8 weeks. Wow...not sure how I remembered that far back :)So some of her discomfort may be with those teeth working there way in since you said she is starting to chew on her hands. The teeth move up and down for weeks before they finally puch through.
Hope that we can see you soon!
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