Saturday, September 6, 2008

Baby Update and Worship Ministry Party

Well I went to the doctor yesterday for my 30 week appointment and found out what is causing this annoying pain in my side and back. The doctor had me go in for another sonogram to see what was going on, and the baby is positioned with her bottom squished up against my right ribs. Most of her body is on my right side, putting a lot of pressure on my right side and up into my ribs. The doctor is pretty sure that is what is causing the pain. Which is good news--they don't think it's my gallbladder or anything serious. The bad news is that until this little girl decides to move, I'm stuck with the pain. She's been pretty comfortable there for the past 2 weeks, but I'm hoping she will decide to take advantage of all the extra space in my ever-growing belly and not be so crowded into my right side. Here's a profile picture from the sonogram. It's not the clearest, but it's another picture of our baby! They estimated that she weighs 3 lbs, 11 oz right now.

Also, last night was the annual Worship Ministry Banquet at South Side. Daniel plans a big event each year to say thank you to all his volunteers. This year, his theme was Out of the Box...the idea being that everyone attending needs to think out of the box and come up with their own theme. Each table had to come up with their own decor and costumes and carry that theme out through the night. It was a fun night. Daniel was one of the judges. I was a part of one of the tables competing. Let's just say that it may not be the best idea to be competing when your husband is judging. Especially when you don't feel like the judging was fair. Right Amy? =) But, it was really a fun night. Our table came dressed as Monks. We struggled coming up with a theme, but at the last minute, everything pulled together perfectly. I have these metal crosses hanging in our house, which were perfect for hanging over our table as decorations.

We found brown fabric at the church, as well as cutout crosses for necklaces and monk costumes. We walked in devoutly in a single file line, holding our Bibles and accompanied by the sound of monk chatting (thanks to a last minute Itunes download!) We also decided to be monks who were under a vow of silence, so we didn't talk the whole night! We had white boards that we used to communicate with each other and the rest of the room. I thought it would be boring to go the whole night without talking, but with the white boards and some creative team members, we had a ton of fun!

I think our group provided the most entertainment for the whole night. For example, a monk joke: A monk + keys = Monkey!

Here is the whole group. My friend Amy has more (and better) pictures on her blog, as well as pictures of the other groups...who also did a great job coming up with their themes:

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