Thursday, February 12, 2009


No pictures today, just a quick update. I haven't taken hardly any pictures of Audrey this week! That must be a first.

Daniel has been sick the past couple of days, so Audrey and I have been quarantined upstairs to stay away from his germs. It's only been a couple of days, but I have an even greater admiration for single parents who raise babies all by themselves. It's tiring to do it 24-7 with no one else to help! Fortunately, Audrey and I were able to get out to go to church last night, then over to a friends to watch Lost. And this morning we had a playdate with my friends Lindsey and Amy and their boys (Audrey's future boyfriends?) Simon, Elliot and Cael. It was nice to get out of the house and interact with others for a bit.

So, hopefully Daniel will be better soon and we can get back to tag teaming this whole parenting thing. I am definitely learning how much I take for granted all of his help with Audrey!

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