Friday, February 13, 2009

15 weeks

Audrey is 15 weeks old today. It has not been a good day. I am tired and grumpy and have a terrible headache. Audrey has been fussy and off schedule. And Daniel is still sick. We found out he has strep throat...which is good because he can take an antibiotic and get better now, but also bad because he's still not better!

Taking, and then looking at, pictures of Audrey always makes me feel better. So I wanted to post a few that I took today...just to remind myself of how precious she is and what a joy she is, even on days like today when I feel like I am going crazy and she won't stop crying.

She wore these cute new jeans for the first time today. She looks like such a big girl in them!
She likes to reach out and grab things she's reaching for the camera. And that's actually a happy face, though it looks like she could be crying.

I love, love, love her long eyelashes!

This picture was my photo for my daily photo blog. It is me and Audrey begging Daddy to get well soon so he can help take care of us!

1 comment:

Tara said...

She is so cute! i love your camera by the way... i am needing a new one and would like to make a good investment... guess that means i gotta save. What kind is yours?