Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Videos

Audrey has figured out how to do a lot of things in the past week or so.

First, she's trying to roll over again. She did this a few weeks ago, then stopped. But she seems a little more determined this time. You can hear her grunting as she works hard to get over in this video. This is what she does in the middle of the night in the crib that wakes us all up.

She has been chewing on her fists (trying to eat her hands, as I call it) for a while now. This week she has also started being more verbal...which basically means she is yelling out more often. Sometimes I think these become angry yells, but mostly I think this is just the way she is talking right now. And usually when she's playing, she tries to combine all 3 of these new skills: rolling over, eating her hands and yelling, all at the same time.

The thing I am most excited about is her improved tummy time. She's never done very well at lifting her head or being happy while on her tummy. If you prop a pillow under her, she would do a little better, but normally she just plants her face in the ground and fusses. Well, if you help her to roll over and get her on her tummy, now she will hold her head up and be content for a while. (Maggie was feeling left out, so she also makes a brief appearance in this video).

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