After weeks of trying, Audrey finally rolled over today. And now she can't stop rolling over. She is pretty good already at going from her back to her tummy. She's still not so good at going from her tummy to her back. So this is what happens: you put her on the floor (or in her crib, where she was the first time she rolled over). She squirms and grunts a little and rolls onto her tummy. She looks around for a bit, but then gets mad and wants to go back to her back. But she isn't quite sure how to do that. After much crying/screaming, she will either roll over to her back on her own or one of us will help her roll over. But then as soon as she is on her back, she wants to roll to her tummy again. Then she gets mad again. And so it went all afternoon and evening today.
Here she is on her side, working her way over (and there's that icky bald spot I was talking about in my last post!)
I'm normally not a big fan of the baby onesies with the clever little sayings on them...but this one was way on sale for only $1.50! And it seemed so fitting for her, as I always have a camera in her face!
Daniel took a video of one of her rolling over successes tonight, but I'm too tired to get up and get it right now...maybe tomorrow I'll post that!
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