I'm normally not a big fan of the baby onesies with the clever little sayings on them...but this one was way on sale for only $1.50! And it seemed so fitting for her, as I always have a camera in her face!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
She finally did it!
I'm normally not a big fan of the baby onesies with the clever little sayings on them...but this one was way on sale for only $1.50! And it seemed so fitting for her, as I always have a camera in her face!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Goodbye Pretty Hair!
Compare that to this picture from 2 weeks ago...look how much it has thinned out! And you can't even see the bald spot in the back.
And here's one I took today. She is wearing my new favorite outfit today. For more pictures of this outfit, go here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=210863&id=521110244&l=522f5 (today's pictures are at the end of this album)
Monday, February 23, 2009
A few new pictures
On Sunday, Audrey was looking so super cute. She had an cute little outfit on and she was giving everyone at church lots of smiles. Well, by the time I got around to taking pictures of her, she was ready for a nap and done with the smiles. But she's still cute...even when she's tired!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My newest money earning scheme...
The newest thing I am trying is www.swagbucks.com You will see a link for it to the right that says "Be the Next Winner" Swagbucks is a search engine powered by Google and Ask.com. Basically you earn points for searching the internet. Once you've accumulated enough points you can trade the points in for prizes or for gift cards (my favorite!). It's so easy. All you do is use Swagbucks for your search engine (you can download a toolbar, so it's always at the top of your browser), and you randomly get points as you search for things. I am the queen of internet research, and probably perform over 25 internet searches daily...how exciting that I can now get free stuff for doing something that I already do anyway! If you want to try it out, click on the logo to the right and you can get started earning your own free stuff!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
So cute!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
New Videos
First, she's trying to roll over again. She did this a few weeks ago, then stopped. But she seems a little more determined this time. You can hear her grunting as she works hard to get over in this video. This is what she does in the middle of the night in the crib that wakes us all up.
She has been chewing on her fists (trying to eat her hands, as I call it) for a while now. This week she has also started being more verbal...which basically means she is yelling out more often. Sometimes I think these become angry yells, but mostly I think this is just the way she is talking right now. And usually when she's playing, she tries to combine all 3 of these new skills: rolling over, eating her hands and yelling, all at the same time.
The thing I am most excited about is her improved tummy time. She's never done very well at lifting her head or being happy while on her tummy. If you prop a pillow under her, she would do a little better, but normally she just plants her face in the ground and fusses. Well, if you help her to roll over and get her on her tummy, now she will hold her head up and be content for a while. (Maggie was feeling left out, so she also makes a brief appearance in this video).
Friday, February 13, 2009
15 weeks
She likes to reach out and grab things now...here she's reaching for the camera. And that's actually a happy face, though it looks like she could be crying.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Daniel has been sick the past couple of days, so Audrey and I have been quarantined upstairs to stay away from his germs. It's only been a couple of days, but I have an even greater admiration for single parents who raise babies all by themselves. It's tiring to do it 24-7 with no one else to help! Fortunately, Audrey and I were able to get out to go to church last night, then over to a friends to watch Lost. And this morning we had a playdate with my friends Lindsey and Amy and their boys (Audrey's future boyfriends?) Simon, Elliot and Cael. It was nice to get out of the house and interact with others for a bit.
So, hopefully Daniel will be better soon and we can get back to tag teaming this whole parenting thing. I am definitely learning how much I take for granted all of his help with Audrey!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A Walk in the Park
Audrey fell asleep about halfway through our walk.
I had my camera with me, so I was playing around, trying to get a good photo for my A Photo a Day blog. These pictures didn't make it onto my other blog, so I thought I would put them up here--just a few of the sights we saw in the park.
This tree was really 2 trees that looked like they had started to grow together.
A gazebo with the Christmas decorations still up!!
That's about all from our outing to the park! Hopefully the weather will warm up (and stay warm) soon, so we can have more fun days like today!Thursday, February 5, 2009
Garage Sale Find
It's crazy, because I vividly remember buying this outfit and trying to imagine what it would be like to have a little baby girl to wear it. Now she's here, wearing the outfit, and looking even more adorable than I could have imagined!