Thursday, February 25, 2010

Too cute!

Audrey has started to raise her hands up in the air when you ask her where something is. It's like she is shrugging her shoulders and saying, "I don't know. Where is it?" It is the cutest thing. I remember when my friend Kellie's daughter Ava used to do that, and I just loved it!! Tonight Audrey and I were playing "Where's the Doggie?" and chasing Maggie around the house (Maggie was definitely annoyed by this game, as every time she laid down and got comfortable, Audrey would come running over to pet her and Maggie would have to get up and try to find a safe Audrey-free spot again!).
Audrey has been a huge grump lately, having fits and temper tantrums and meltdowns one after the other. Getting new teeth, possibly some molars, as well as being sick last week and not sleeping/eating well are probably the culprits. After a good long nap this afternoon though, she was much happier tonight. We had so much fun playing around the house. Audrey loves to open and close doors by herself, and it's even more fun when Mommy is waiting on the other side of the door to say Peek a Boo!I get easily bored being home all day long, playing with the same toys and reading the same books. And I'm assuming Audrey gets bored too. So I've been looking for some new ideas of things we can do. Audrey loves to sort things and take things out of bowls and buckets and then put everything back in. This keeps her more entertained than any toy we own! I read somewhere about filling a Pringles can with pipe cleaners to let toddlers practice taking things out and putting things back in. So I thought I would try it. Audrey seemed to enjoy pulling all the pipe cleaners out of the can, but putting them back in was a bit more difficult. It takes more coordination than you would think since the can is so tall and the pipe cleaners are so tall and bendy. She got a few in, but this game mostly just caused her to get very frustrated! Later she figured out that she could easily put the thermometer in the Pringles can and then dump it back out, and she decided that was way more fun than Mommy's pipe cleaners!!

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