Saturday, February 13, 2010

Another 15 month update

Audrey had her 15 month dr. appointment this week. She was 21 lbs, 14 oz (35th percentile) and 30 1/4 inches (55th percentile). Poor Audrey had to get 3 shots and have her blood drawn again (they tried at 12 months, but they weren't able to get enough blood). It took FOREVER for them to find a vein on her, 2 tries on one arm and 1 try on the other, and we had to keep Audrey pinned down the whole time. She was screaming, and it was miserable. To try to distract her, Daniel was asking her to do all of her "tricks" (say her words and make animal sounds). Surprisingly, she was able to stop and say a word or make a sound right in the middle of her screams. It was so adorable and so horrible, all at the same time.

Audrey is learning all kinds of words and sounds these days. Some new words that she seems to know pretty well: apple, up, wow and uh-oh (finally! I've been trying to get her to say uh-oh for a long time!). She calls Elmo, "Melmo". She loves brushing her teeth (i.e. sucking the toothpaste off the brush), and is pretty good at saying teeth. Sometimes it sounds like "eesh" but often it really sounds like she is saying teeth. She will sometimes say duck. And she has also started saying "kaka" for cookie. She learned this from a picture in a magazine, because her mean Mommy doesn't give her cookies. Though Audrey is pretty smart to learn the word cookie, because now I want to give her a cookie, to reinforce what she is trying to say! Even with all these new words though, bubble still remains her favorite word!

I don't have many new pictures, but here are a couple from yesterday. It is getting to be impossible to take pictures of Audrey now. I made the mistake of showing her how she can see the pictures on the back of my camera. Now, every time she sees my camera, she wants to look at the pictures on the back. She doesn't understand the concept of me taking a picture and then her looking at the picture. She impatiently wants to see the pictures NOW!

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

aww poor miss audrey :( that is kinda funny that she would stop in between her screams to say her words or sounds tho :)
mean mommy gives no cookies to child :( sounds like neglect. haha jk jk. thats actually a very good idea. and good that she likes the healthy food :) no soda!!!! i hate when i see ppl give their kids (audrey's age) soda like mt dew or something. biggest pet peave - kids should be drinking water or milk. even juice rots the teeth!
she is gettin soo biiig :D