Friday, March 5, 2010

Park Outing

The weather has been a bit warmer lately, still not warm, but closer to warm than it has been in a long time. So yesterday, Audrey and I went to the park for a quick little outing with Lindsey and her boys.
First we fed the ducks...for more on that see my Photo a Day blog.

Then we went up to the playground for a few minutes. Here is a picture of Audrey at the playground.
Notice how there is not any playground equipment in the picture. That's because as soon as I put Audrey down next to the slide or the ramp or any of the playground things that I thought she would like, she would take off in the opposite direction!Here I was all excited to get a picture of her on the slide, and she didn't want to have anythying to do with it. The freedom of all that open space was calling her name!And then she discovered this fun and exciting activity: stepping up the tiny step at the edge of the playground onto the concrete.
And then stepping back down the step into the playground mulch. And back up.And then back down. Over and over again. All of this fun stuff to do at the playground, and this is what she picks! Oh what a silly girl!
She did take time to stop and give this big stone dog a hug and a kiss though...pretty cute!

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