Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Audrey's words

I was able to videotape Audrey saying some of her words this afternoon. It's not super clear, because I was taping her while she was eating her snack this afternoon, and her mouth was full of crackers. I know I'm not teaching her proper manners by encouraging her to talk with food in her mouth. But she is always so distracted by the camera that she won't cooperate when we try to videotape her. I thought the food might take the attention away from the camera, and it worked!

(If you are reading this on Facebook, you will need to click "View Original Post" below. For some reason, Facebook doesn't import videos).


Julie Davison said...

Ack! I just clicked on the video and realized I don't have speakers hooked up to the new (new-to-me) computer. Darn!! I'll have to take care of this pronto!! I'm sure Audrey is just exploding with new words. Elise has suddenly been talking a lot more. I can hardly keep track of her new words!

Nancy said...

That was so much fun to watch. She is talking so much more. I love the surprised and scary actions. I just can't believe the change in her in less than two months!

Elisabeth said...

oh my goodness this was soo cute!! she is so smart, Emily!! :) she was very interested in those crackers tho. haha. i love watching her chew. it's like she's still trying to figure out the texture (tho i'm sure it's not her first cracker).
keep the videos coming! i am done slacking :)