Saturday, July 25, 2009

How does this thing work?

We went outside to play tonight and I brought Audrey's sippy cup with us I'm trying to get her to drink it, though I haven't been very diligent in giving it to her regularly; I always forget. So tonight I put some yummy juice in it and gave it to her to see if she could figure it out. Poor girl is trying so hard to drink out of it, but she just can't quite figure it out. She's able to get it into her mouth sometimes...she just needs to learn to tilt it up so the juice will come out.


Nate and Natalie said...

What brand is it??? Elyse couldn't drink out of any sippy cup but the Munchkin brand. Other no drip sippys involve making children suck from them and it's too difficult for them.

Tim and Shauna said...

We started Tucker with the nuby cups with silicon lids that don't have values in them. Than once he learned to bit those and spill we moved to playtex ones with values. Good Luck!