This past week has been a big week for Audrey. She is really changing and is starting to be more active and aware of her surroundings. Here are some pictures of what she has done in the past week.
She has outgrown a few of her newborn outfits and moved up to the 0-3 month clothes. They are long enough for her, but still pretty baggy. Here she is showing off how big she is getting!

One of her favorite things to do now is lay on her back and stare to the side. It doesn't matter which side and it doesn't matter what she is staring at...the couch, the Christmas tree, the wall...she just likes to stare. We have a mirror in her crib and she will sit and stare at herself for quite a while.

Sheis now flailing her arms and kicking her legs, happily. This is a big change for her, because for the first month, all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball. Any arm flailing or leg kicking was not because she was she seems to like it more.

She is working on lifting her head while on her tummy. If she is on her tummy on your chest, she will lift it up and look around, even make eye contact with you. She doesn't like to be on her tummy on the floor as much, but she will still lift her head briefly.

We set up her play gym on the floor and she really likes it. Again, she likes to stare at the toys, but she will also flail her arms around and hit the ball.

We're still waiting for good, consistent smiles. Occasionally, it seems like she tries to smile and a few times I think she really has...but it is not a regular thing yet.
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