Audrey is now 18 months old. We had her dr's appointment today. She weighed in at 23 lbs, 8 oz (39th percentile) and 31 1/4 inches (51st percentile), so she is still staying right on average with her size. She is developing just as she should, and the doctor didn't have any concerns at all. I'm pretty sure she remembered her last dr's appointment (which was horrible!), because she started crying as soon as we entered the exam room. Audrey never likes to have the doctor examine her. She always screams bloody murder when they touch her, even just to take her temperature. But today seemed even worse than normal. I think she inherited her mommy's fear of doctors.
Here are a few 18 month pictures with Raggedy Ann. Obviously she doesn't think it is very cool to sit down and look at the camera for pictures!

Her favorite activity at Sprouts (a playgroup at our church) is to play with the shopping cart and groceries.

She has been so silly lately! One night she thought it was hilarious to put the puzzle pieces in her mouth and then let them fall out. And then to keep doing it over and over again.

1 comment:
Elise was really bad at her 18 mo appointment too. She kept signing "all done" and waving bye as the doctor examined her! It broke my heart! Love the latest pictures of A. She is just adorable!!
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