Friday, May 21, 2010

Videos, Part 1

I have a lot of video clips from the past couple of weeks to share with you. Sometimes our video camera sits in the cabinet collecting dust for months, and other times we use it almost every day. Lately, I've captured a lot of fun little moments with Audrey, so I thought I would start a video series here for the next couple of days. (If you are reading this on Facebook, you will need to click "View Original Post" at the bottom of this page to see the videos).

First, a couple of animal sounds. She's been doing these for a long time, and you can tell by how quickly she answers. She is probably so sick of us asking her to make sounds and words all the time!

Audrey loves books. She is especially fond of the Babysitter's Club books that I used to read as a kid. The books are on a shelf that is just her height, and she loves to pull the books off the shelf and bring them to me. She spends some time studying the front covers, then she usually wants me to flip through the pages. And then we repeat the whole process over and over again!

Here's a sample of some of the words she is saying right now. I've been updating the list I made a while back. It's amazing how much she can say! Granted, she hardly ever pronounces anything correctly and I am usually the only one who can understand her...but still, it's fun to get a little peek as to what is going on inside that little head of hers.

I need to try to get some more words on video because some of them are so cute! She has the most enthusiastic "Hi" and "bye-bye" that you've ever seen...but I don't think I have ever captured it on video. I will try to do that soon. I also need to videotape her saying "ham". First of all, it's just funny to me that "ham" is a word she likes to say. There is a picture of ham in one of our magazines, and she just gets so excited about ham. Plus the way she says it is so cute; she emphasizes the "mmmm" at the end. And it cracks me up every time! So stay tuned for lots more videos in the coming days!

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