Thursday, June 4, 2009

A few videos

I've got a few videos to share tonight, if I have the patience to wait for Blogger to upload them. It takes forever. But we just started watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, so I have at least 3 solid hours to sit here and wait!

Here is Audrey playing in her jumper the other night.

Audrey has started to make this really funny sound. It's like a high pitched trill with her tongue. People have compared it to a bird call. She does it all the time, and she has both a happy and a mad version. This is the happy version (I feel a little guilty video taping her when she is mad).

And one last one...this one's my favorite. The other night we were trying to teach Audrey how to say Mama, Dada, Maggie, etc. When Daniel said Maggie, Audrey cracked up. He said it again; she cracked up again. And on and on it went. I started video taping several minutes after this started, and she was still going strong. I'm telling you, she loves that dog.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I love the tongue thing. That is so funny. Its fun to see them love their dogs also. Hunter give his dogs a hug all the time.