Audrey is getting pretty good at eating baby food now. She has baby food 3 times a day and is pretty eager to eat it...most of the time. She is still not quite sure what to think about those green vegetables (she must get that from me!). Somehow if I mix them in with a little cereal I can get her to eat those green beans and peas...I don't know how the cereal could possibly make them taste better, but she seems to like it.
Audrey is sitting up better and better each day, though she is still pretty squirmy and is always reaching for a toy...which makes her lose her balance and tip over a lot! She is very quick at scooting around on her belly now. If there is a toy within 1-2 feet of her, she can find a way to get to it. No teeth yet...but I'm thinking they have to be about ready to pop up soon!
Today, before I set her up for her "official" 7 month picture, I let her play with Raggedy Ann on the floor. She was having fun playing with her for a little bit.
I wonder if my foot is as tasty as Raggedy Ann's?
And time for a sad face!!

If you like to see how much she grows each month, you can find all her other monthly pictures here: one month, two months, three months, four months, five months, six months.
If you like to see how much she grows each month, you can find all her other monthly pictures here: one month, two months, three months, four months, five months, six months.
And for all the grandparents and relatives reading this who just can't get enough of Audrey's pictures, I've got one more link for you. Audrey went on her first camping trip this weekend, and she loved it!! You can see all the pictures of how much fun she had with her friends here.
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