Thursday, September 17, 2009

Playing Outside

We put on bug spray and headed out to "Mosquitoland" (aka, our backyard) tonight. I feel bad because we haven't played outside too much this summer, mostly because the mosquitoes have been horrible. Seriously, you can't stand in our yard for a minute or two without getting bit. So annoying! And I never really thought about bug spray until tonight, silly me! It did seem to help, because I don't think I got any bites and I didn't notice any on Audrey either.

Audrey also seems to be over her slight fear of grass. I don't know that she was ever afraid of grass, but she never seemed to be quite sure what to think of it. Tonight, she was digging around in the grass and finding all sorts of treasures! It was fun to see her examine everything!


Julie Davison said...

That might be the only thing I DON;T miss about State St -- we hardly have any mosquitoes here. I don't think we've worn bug spray at all this year! We used to get eaten alive just walking down the driveway!

Elisabeth said...

ahhhh!!!!!!!!!! i love that she is walking!!!!!!!! her facial expressions are priceless!