Thursday, August 13, 2009


Audrey finally started to wave at us over the past few days. I'm vey excited because I have been trying to get her to wave and clap for the past 3 months. (Still unsure about the clapping. She kind of has her own version of clapping, and I think she thinks that she is actually clapping, though she is really just clasping her hands together and waving her arms).
Anyway, she first started waving in her high chair and then would only wave at us from her high chair. So I was starting to think that she thought waving meant "give me more food". But today she started waving at other times...when Daniel left for the Muni tonight, she waved good-bye to him, then after our walk she waved at me from the stroller, while I had the camera in my hands!
Um, this one reminds me of a Nazi salute. After watching The Producers, I did have the song Springtime for Hitler stuck in my head for a while. Maybe I sang it to her one too many times?? Whenever she waves, we get so excited. Then she gets excited and starts flapping both arms up and is super cute!

1 comment:

Julie Davison said...

So darling! Can't wait to see you guys in two weeks at the block party!