Sunday, August 23, 2009

First Bow

So Audrey is well known (at church at least) for her headbands with big bows and flowers. But today for church, I tried putting a bow in her hair without a headband...and it stayed in her hair! It stayed in all day really, except for when I took it out for her nap. I'm very excited that she finally has enough hair to hold a bow.
Today we went out to our church camp for their 70th anniversary celebration. Audrey was being so funny while she was eating in her stroller. She would sit up and grab a bite.
Then she would lean back and put her legs up and recline to eat it. Then she would sit up and get another bite. Then lean back and put her legs up and eat it. It may have been something that you needed to be there for, but it was really funny! (Also, her feet look HUGE in this picture. I don't think they are really as big as they look in this picture, because in the picture they look bigger than her head...and she has a big head!)

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