Wednesday, August 5, 2009

9 month check up

Today Audrey had her 9 month doctor's appointment. She weighed in at 18 lbs, 8 oz (46%) and 27 3/4 inches long (66%). Her head was 17 3/4 inches, which I looked up, and that is in the 80th percentile. So I guess she has a big head!

The doctor said she was doing great and didn't have any concerns. She passed the little development test they gave us; she's doing everything she's supposed to be doing. The Dr. didn't see any signs of teeth still, but she said not to worry about that. It was a pretty uneventful visit, and the best part was that Audrey didn't have to get any shots this time.

Here are a few pictures from this afternoon.

So I normally (as most people do) take pictures of Audrey's face and front side. But for some reason today, I ended up with several pictures of her from the back. So, here is her back side!!!

She likes to play with her jumper much more when she is standing outside of it rather than being trapped inside it.

Audrey is loving this book right now. We actually have 2 copies because I found one for 50 cents at a garage sale. So Audrey has one she can play with and feel and tear up, and one that will be for looking at only! The pages in this book are perfect for Audrey to turn. She really likes to turn pages, but with board books or paper books she can't do it by herself. This one she can look at by herself and will keep her entertained for a while. There is another one like this about the alphabet; I think I'm going to have to get that one for her because she loves this one so much! And I love that she is now old enough to really pay attention to and enjoy books, just like her mommy!!

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

love it :) love that she is NINE months, the backside pics (so cute!), the BOOK (she is def gonna be a reader), her piano - miss u guys!!!