These next two would probably be my favorites from today, if I had to pick.
And if you are interested in seeing how much she has grown, click on the following links for previous month's pictures: one month, two months, three months, four months.
These next two would probably be my favorites from today, if I had to pick.
Last week, Audrey started to try to blow raspberries. She can't really do it yet, but she tries pretty hard. It cracks us up every time. She had stopped doing it, but today she was back at it again and has been doing this all day long. The only bad part about this new trick is that she thinks it is so fun to try to blow raspberries while she is eating cereal. And that's not a lot of fun for mom and dad!
After I dressed her, I realized that we matched! It wasn't on purpose, but I had on a pink sweatshirt with a grey shirt and she had on a grey sweater with a pink shirt. Aww, how cute!
Here is Maggie, staring down the squirrel.
Next Maggie runs around the yard barking (i.e. screaming) at the top of her lungs and chasing the squirrel. Unfortunately, it rained a lot here the past 2 days, and it's not quite cold enough for the ground to be frozen. The result: a really muddy Maggie.So then Daniel had to give Maggie a bath. And neither Daniel nor Maggie like it when she needs a bath, so nobody was happy about that.
A nice and clean Maggie after her bath.
And here's the video Daniel took of her rolling over last night.