Well, Audrey is almost 2 weeks old now. It's hard to believe that 2 weeks has passed since she's been born...time has definitely been flying by. We've had a rough start, but I am hoping things are starting to get better at this point. At least, I have a positive attitude about it today.
After we brought Audrey home, we took her back to the hospital to check her weight. She had lost almost 7 ounces in the 24 hours since we brought her home, which was too much. So we spent several hours at the lactation department at the hospital last week and have been supplementing formula. Since then, she has been gaining weight pretty well. We think her face is starting to get fatter, and she definitely is developing a double chin!
On Thursday of last week, I started to get sick with a lot of back pain and nausea. Turns out I had an infection. But even with an antibiotic, I could not get rid of the nausea and could not get my appetite back. It's been a vicious cycle...I feel sick because I need to eat, but I can't eat because I feel sick. Finally, after throwing up while trying to feed Audrey and after fighting with the OB's office, we got in to see my Primary Care doctor. He gave me some anti-nausea medicine that has helped me to be able to get some food down, and I think is going to help me get some strength back and start feeling better soon. It has been extremely frustrating...fortunately I have a wonderful husband who has done SO MUCH to take care of both me and Audrey. And my mom came back for a few days this week to help us get back on our feet. So, as of this morning, I am feeling pretty good and am hoping that things will only get better from here.
Alright, now for some pictures. Honestly, I haven't taken a lot of pictures because I've been feeling so bad...but I do have a few to share today.
We are starting to see more of her eyes as she is becoming more alert and awake.
Naptime for Daniel, Audrey and Maggie!

Over the weekend, we got to visit with our friends, the Bungards, and Audrey got to meet her new friend Ava. Even though they don't live down the street from each other, Audrey and Ava are still going to be the best of friends when we get to visit them in Indianapolis.

Here she is not a very happy baby, but she's still pretty cute!

Our photographer friend Crista took some gorgeous pictures of Audrey last week...if you haven't seem them yet, you can visit her blog