It wasn't a very fun visit for Audrey (or me!) though. She had to get her regular 1 year shots, then she got a flu shot, and then they had to draw her blood to test for lead poisoning and anemia! She did pretty well until it was time to draw her blood. They asked me to pin down her legs and her shoulders (which was a bit difficult). Then the nurse was having trouble finding a vein, so they had to switch arms. That's about the time when Audrey decided she had had enough of being pinned down and laying still. Finally, the nurse went ahead and poked her with the needle. That was about the time that I accidentally glanced over at the needle and Audrey's blood spurting out. I have issues with my own blood being drawn, and I now know that I have issues when someone tries to draw my daughter's blood. Shots don't bother me, but sticking a needle in the arm and leaving it there while blood comes out...that is more than I can handle. So, I start to get hot and nauseaus and dizzy, all while I am trying to hold down a screaming Audrey who is fighting me with all her strength. And after all of that, the nurse was only able to get a small amount of Audrey's blood...not even enough to do one of the tests. So we get to go through the whole process again in 3 months at her 15 month appointment. Daddy is going to have to come along that time to make sure I don't pass out!!
It's now time to install the new forward-facing car seat and make the transition to whole milk and sippy cups...basically we're saying good-bye to our little baby and hello to our new toddler!
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