Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yummy green beans!

I gave Audrey her first taste of vegetables today...green beans! I don't think she knew what to think. We had just finished eating oatmeal, so I think she was very confused to taste something new. She did swallow the first couple of bites and made lots of funny faces while she did so, then she started to spit it out. It was fun to give her something new, and I'm looking forward to all of the new foods we are going to get to try in the coming months. OK, I shouldn't say "we". Audrey will be trying all the new foods. I'm not the kind of mom that needs to try everything she eats....I have no desire to know what it tastes like for her.


Beth Skinner said...

Oh How fun!!!! It is really funny watching them try and figure out what in the world they are tasting!!! Hunter's favorite was sweet potato.


Elisabeth said...

This is awesome. She hates it. Hahaha. She won't be a veggie eater. Sounds like her mom!!