I have slowed down on photographing Audrey and don't take nearly as many pictures as I used to, therefore I haven't been blogging as frequently. But hopefully all of our faithful readers (mostly Audrey's grandparents and aunts and great aunts!) are still out there. For daily pictures, you can check my Daily Photo blog (http://www.emilysdailyphotos.blogspot.com/). Sometimes I have photos of Audrey on there as well.

Audrey has been all about sticking her tongue out lately. Especially when she is excited about something. Here she is excited about kicking her feet against the entertainment center, therefore the tongue is out!
So here are a few pictures from today!
Here's a clean and happy baby after bath time this morning.
This afternoon, I pulled out a rattle that we haven't played with for a while. It was like a brand new toy and kept Audrey's attention for a long time (like 10 minutes or so, which is a long time for Audrey to pay attention to one toy!) Oh, and check out those chubby arms!!
Audrey has been all about sticking her tongue out lately. Especially when she is excited about something. Here she is excited about kicking her feet against the entertainment center, therefore the tongue is out!
And here she is in the midst of all the toys and fun things we were playing with today.
Such a beautiful baby :)
I love it when she sticks her tongue out and when she puts her finger in her mouth! It makes for a good pic
Such a beautiful baby :)
I love it when she sticks her tongue out and when she puts her finger in her mouth! It makes for a good pic
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