Since I am sentimental and like recording all of Audrey's milestones and since I am also too lazy to get out her baby book and write these things down, I'm going to start a list here of all the words Audrey is saying. Mostly for my own record-keeping...maybe someday I'll actually get all of these things written in her book.
Audrey is almost 18 months old, and here are the words she is saying now along with her pronunciations and my commentary on what she is saying. She says a lot of things consistently, but she consistently pronounces many words wrong (as is to be expected from an 18 month old!). Often I am the only one who understands her!
Words:1. hi
2. hello (when pretending to talk on the phone)
3. bye-bye
4. ball
5. baby
6. up
7. hot
8. hat
9. coat
10. boat
11. dog/doggie ("doa" or "da-ya"is how she says it, she hasn't quite mastered this one yet and normally just says "woof woof" when she wants to say dog)
12. cat (she is really good at saying cat though, and often emphasizes the "t" sound)
13. bubble (an early favorite!)
14. apple
15. wow
16. cookie (she doesn't quite say this right, but I can't remember how she pronounces it)
17. milk ("Gilk")
18. bananana ("ba-ba")
19. water ("wa-wa")
20. cracker (I don't think she quite gets both "r" sounds in, but it really sounds like cracker when she says it)
21. Light ("ight", she often leaves off the first consonant of words...I think that's a normal thing)
22. Walk ("ock")
23. Clock (I don't think she really pronounces the l, so it sounds more like "cock", she learned this just the other day from watching a Baby Einstein video)
24. fish ("eesh", mostly in reference to Goldfish crackers)
25. teeth (she pronounces this various ways, but it is almost always accompanied by a motion like she is brushing her teeth)
26. help ("elp", which really sounds like up)
27. cheese ("eez", she is starting to say this anytime she sees the camera!)
28. keys
29. boy and oh boy (sometimes she says "bee" instead of boy)
30. yellow ("we-woh", this is the only color she knows, but she points to things that are yellow and will say "we-woh")
31. rock ("ock", as in rock in the rocking chair)
32. eye
33. go
***Added the week of 4/26/10***
34. shoes ("foos")
35. all done ("ah da")
36. please ("Pease")
37. TV (I'm a bit sad that she has already learned this one.)
38. flower ("fowfa")
39. Ice cream ("i cree")
***Added the week of 5/9/10***
40. cow
41. goat
42. car
43. no (I'm surprised it took her so long to learn this one, but now that she knows it, it has become an instant favorite!)
44. ham
45. book ("gook")
***Added the week of 5/16/10***
46. chair
47. green beans ("bee bees")
***Added the week of 6/13/10***
48. ice
49. tent
50. towel
51. rock
52. doorbell (She doesn't really say this clearly, but I know what she is talking about)
53. nose
54. mouth
55. arm
56. ear
57. tongue (sounds more like "dun")
58. trash
59. juice ("Jew")
***and now I am officially giving up on this list! I know there are so many more words that she can say. She is constantly repeating words and saying new things every day. I just can't keep track of it all anymore! Maybe my next list will be Audrey's First Sentences. But so far, she is just sticking with individual words for now.***
Names:1. Mama
2. Dadda
3. Audrey ("Au-dee")
4. Mimi (for grandma)
5. Papaw (for grandpa)
6. Elmo ("melmo" though it often sounds like Mama)
7. Amy ("Mamy")
8. Katie (she says this perfectly, emphasizing the "t" sound)
9. Cael ("Cae")
10. Natalie ("Na-na")
11. Heidi
12. Seth ("Feh")
13. Elliot ("Aaaaaaa" or "au-dee" She can't say her buddy Elliot's name, but she consistently says these things when she sees him, so I'm writing it down. There is a video on Facebook of Elliot and his brother screaming "aaaaa" that Audrey loves, so I think that's why she associates "Aaaa" with Elliot. Elliot recently learned to say Audrey, and he says it every time he sees her. So now I think Audrey associates her own name with Elliot too)
***Added the week of 5/9/10***
14. Tik (our neighbor)
15. Evie ("beebee", Tik's daughter, Audrey gets so excited every time we mention her name!)
16. Ernie (from Sesame Street, we don't really watch Sesame Street but she is learning these names from the Sesame Street books that we own)
17. Abby (from Sesame Street)
That's all I can think of for now. I'll try to update this list as new words are learned, and we'll see how long I can keep up with it!