Thursday, January 21, 2010


Are you ready for the cutest thing ever? OK, well maybe I am a bit partial, but it really is adorable. Audrey learned how to say bubble last night! They were playing with bubbles in the nursery at church, and she just started saying bubble. It really is so cute...I kept making her say it over and over today just because it makes me smile. It's exciting because she doesn't say too many words yet. She will say mama, dada, and hi consistently and occasionally she will say ball, baby and doggie. Bubble seems like a big word compared to those little words!

So today I went to Wal-mart and bought some bubbles. Audrey and Daniel had a good time playing with them tonight. She got even more excited about the bubbles after we put the video camera away...but these videos are still cute.


Julie Davison said...

OMG! That is so adorable! It makes me giggle every time I hear her say "bubble"! Elise doesn't have any fun words like that yet. Although I swear she repeated "Tylenol" and "cracker" the other day. One of Thomas' first words was "hippo"! We had a book "Hippos Go Berserk" that we read all the time. And a puzzle with a hippo.

Elisabeth said...

awww!!!! she is soo cute!!!!! :) i am behind and just catching up - don't mind me. lol