Friday, December 11, 2009

Our Little Drama Queen

This afternoon, I was trying to finish making a dessert for our church Christmas party tonight. To keep Audrey occupied, I gave her some bowls and spoons and spatulas to play with. She thought they were pretty fun new toys. She figured out this week that it can be a lot of fun to put something in her mouth and then let go, so she is just holding it with her mouth. She had a good time trying out this new trick with the wooden spoons and spatulas.

Unfortunately, once I finally got focused on the task at hand--fixing my dessert, Audrey decided she was bored with the spoons and spatulas and moved on to emptying all the food out of the dog's bowl. And I didn't take pictures of that, because I wasn't too amused at the time. I've been trying to teach her that the dog food is off limits...and it has resulted in many temper tantrums from Little Miss Audrey. Today was no exception.
Actually it doesn't take much at all to cause a tantrum with Audrey the past couple of days, just looking at her sometimes seems to cause her to scream. She's been a mess. I'm thinking she is getting some more teeth. At least, that's what I tell myself. It is easier for me to be patient with her grumpiness, when I know there is a reason for the grumpiness. Plus, I think part of it is her age and the independence she has found now that she is walking. She knows what she wants, and she knows when she doesn't get what she wants. But she doesn't yet understand why she can't get what she wants. And that must be frustrating for her. Actually, I know it's frustrating for her because she lets everyone know how upset she is with her screams.
The good news is that she goes from screaming hysterically one second to laughing hysterically the next second. Bi-polar would be the best word to describe her..she is definitely a drama queen these days! I guess she doesn't want life at our house to be boring, so she keeps us on our toes!


Julie Davison said...

We've been getting random tantrums from Elise too. I mean, just completely out of the blue she starts crying. I'm convinced it's teething. She finally had a 3rd tooth break through, but she still doesn't have any on top, so there has to be more coming in!

Elisabeth said...

i'm sure it is her teeth. and i'm sure the tantrums can be frustrating. i'm so not looking forward to when i have a baby, they say they come 10times worse than what u were. and i was a brat. lol